Pasta Bianca
L’impasto, essendo composto da materie prime ricche di ossido di titanio conferisce un grado di bianco alla piastrella che ricorda molto la preziosa porcellana. La bicottura in pasta bianca è un materiale pregiato che garantisce facilità di lavorazione.
The dough, being composed of raw materials rich in titanium oxide, gives a degree of whiteness to the tile which is very reminiscent of the refined porcelain. The double-fired white body is a precious material that guarantees ease of processing.
Die Mischung, die aus titanoxidreichen Rohstoffen besteht, verleiht der Fliese eine Nuance von Weiß, die sehr an kostbares Porzellan erinnert. Die Weißscherbige Zweibrandfliese ist ein wertvolles Material, das eine einfache Verarbeitung garantiert.
The dough, being composed of raw materials rich in titanium oxide, gives a degree of whiteness to the tile which is very reminiscent of the refined porcelain. The double-fired white body is a precious material that guarantees ease of processing.